Friday 22 October 2010

Digital Delights Friday Freebie

oops...with all the holiday preparation i forgot to let you all know about our freebie today!!

This week we are going Christmas with our ..........

Visit and visit the Freebie section

We  also have a great sale going on over at our store wth 50% OFF ALL HALLOWEEN Digital Stamps. How fab is that!!

well thats it for me folks...a nice glass of vino and a chill before tomorrows journey...wonder how many times ill hear..."are we nearly ther yet?"

Debs x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up on the freebie. Couldn't see anywhere on the site to leave a 'thank you' so I will leave it here for you to pass on!

    ** Kate **


Thanks for stopping by, all your comments are appreciated hugs Debs x


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